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I.V. hydration therapy helps you quickly recover from:

  • Bachelor/bachelorette parties
  • Wedding parties
  • Birthday parties
  • Company outings

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I.V. Hydration offers many benefits over oral hydration and can help quickly recover from hangovers, fatigue, and more.

Book An Appointment Now Or Call Us: (844) 843-4836
(ASAP service available)

It’s well known in the medical community that oral intake of fluids and vitamins have an absorption rate of at best 50%-60%, where as I.V. hydration is 100% absorbed.

I.V. hydration offers the fastest way to replenish needed fluids and electrolytes.



Spending time in New York City often means trying new or different foods from restaurants, street vendors, bodegas, and more. It’s part of the New York City experience. 

Unfortunately, trying different foods can sometimes lead to food poisoning, leaving you laid up in your hotel or apartment instead of enjoying your trip. Similarly, New York’s bustling nightlife can leave you with a major hangover, preventing you from experiencing all the city has to offer. 

The good news is that food poisoning and hangover relief are right around the corner, thanks to IV infusions in New York City.

What Is Food Poisoning and What Causes It?

Food poisoning, sometimes referred to as foodborne illness, is a set of symptoms caused by eating food contaminated with viruses, bacteria, or parasites. 

Food poisoning commonly occurs as a result of foods that are improperly cooked, such as meats that have not reached the appropriate internal temperature. However, food poisoning can also occur due to contamination during handling, processing, or production.

Food poisoning symptoms often start within 12 hours after eating contaminated food, but some people do not start to experience symptoms for days or weeks. The symptoms vary depending on whether the contaminating organism is bacteria, a virus, or a parasite.

Symptoms may include gastrointestinal issues such as:

  • Nausea
  • Watery or bloody diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fever

Food poisoning may resolve quickly after only a few hours, or it may resolve after several days. 

In addition to the unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms that are likely to keep you in the bathroom for an extended period of time, food poisoning also has the potential to cause severe dehydration. 

If you struggle to keep liquids down due to vomiting or you are experiencing diarrhea, your body can quickly experience a fluid imbalance.

What Food Poisoning Treatments Are Available in New York City?

The treatment for food poisoning varies depending on the type of organism causing the illness. A bacterial infection may require treatment with antibiotics, while viruses typically need to run their course before symptoms stop. 

Most people find that their food poisoning symptoms subside before they can determine the exact cause. However, it is possible to treat the symptoms caused by the illness and make yourself a bit more comfortable while your body fights off the infection, supporting your immune system and overall wellness.

One effective treatment for food poisoning symptoms is an I.V. infusion. The Food Poisoning Relief package from the I.V. Doc offers the medication you need to help you feel better and get back to enjoying New York City. 

The I.V. drip, which can be given in your hotel room or the comfort of your home, contains important fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration. 

Because they are given intravenously, you don’t have to worry about vomiting as a result of trying to drink liquids. The fluids go right to work, helping to replace what you’ve lost due to vomiting or diarrhea.

In addition to fluids and electrolytes, the Food Poisoning Relief package also contains medication designed to make you more comfortable while your illness runs its course. 

Anti-reflux medication, anti-inflammatory medication, and two types of anti-nausea medication are available depending on your symptoms. By the end of your 45-minute treatment, you’ll likely feel significantly better and well on your way to beating food poisoning.

What Causes a Hangover and What Are the Symptoms?

A long night out and a few too many drinks in NYC is the recipe for a horrible hangover. Whether you need to go to work the next day or just want to enjoy the rest of your visit, a hangover is inconvenient at best. 

While hangovers are commonly attributed to dehydration, several factors contribute to that horrible feeling, including dehydration, gastrointestinal disruption, poor sleep, increased inflammation, and withdrawal.


Alcohol contributes to dehydration by suppressing the release of a hormone called vasopressin. The body produces vasopressin to direct the kidneys to retain water at the appropriate levels for hydration. 

When you drink too much alcohol, your body stops producing vasopressin, contributing to increased urination and dehydration. I.V. hydration can replenish your body’s fluids and help you feel better quickly.

Gastrointestinal Disruption

The nausea and loose stool that commonly accompany a hangover are a result of irritation to the lining of the digestive tract. Alcohol also promotes the production of stomach acid, which can cause acid reflux and nausea.

Poor Sleep

Although having a drink as a nightcap can help lull you to sleep more quickly, drinking too much actually inhibits sleep. 

Alcohol prevents the brain from entering the deep sleep known as REM sleep, causing you to wake up throughout the night and feel fatigued the next day. As a result, you may experience poor motor skills, difficulty concentrating, and poor memory. A good night’s sleep is important for overall wellness.

Increased Inflammation

One of the reasons you may end up with a headache or body pains following a heavy night of drinking is the increased inflammation alcohol tends to cause. When your liver metabolizes alcohol, it produces a compound called acetaldehyde; this compound causes inflammation in the brain, pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. I.V. therapy can boost your hydration and address inflammation with an infusion of antioxidants and electrolytes to support your immune system.


If you find yourself feeling more jittery or anxious than usual after a night of drinking, you’re not alone. While alcohol can help you relax while you consume it, your brain seeks to keep up with those feelings after the substance is gone. This may contribute to symptoms of withdrawal that can make you feel restless or nervous.

Common hangover symptoms include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Excessive thirst and dry mouth
  • Dizziness or a sense of the room spinning
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Shakiness
  • Poor or decreased sleep
  • Mood disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and irritability

I.V. therapy provides a helpful pick-me-up that addresses hangover symptoms while supporting overall wellness.

How Can You Treat a Hangover In New York City?

If you find yourself hungover in New York City, you should consider yourself lucky. It’s possible to treat your hangover quickly thanks to I.V. drips from The I.V. Doc. 

There are a number of different hangover treatment options to choose from, depending on your symptoms. For example, if you have a mild hangover, you may only need the Cleanse treatment, which provides fluids and electrolytes that your body needs to recover from dehydration.

The I.V. Doc also offers I.V. therapy hangover treatments in New York City that contain medications designed to address symptoms of nausea, acid reflux, and pain associated with headaches and inflammation. 

Packages are available that contain fluids, electrolytes, and up to three medications, depending on your symptoms. The best part? The I.V. Doc uses registered nurses and medical professionals to administer the treatment in your hotel, home, or office, meaning you don’t have to drag yourself to the doctor’s office.


What Is NAD+ Therapy and What Are the Benefits?

NAD is the acronym for a substance in the body that is known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This substance occurs naturally as a coenzyme of a B-complex vitamin called niacin, or vitamin B3. 

NAD is present in two forms – an oxidized form and a reduced form – which are referred to as NAD+ and NADH, respectively. While many people are not familiar with NAD, this coenzyme is involved in a number of critical body processes and plays an important role in keeping you healthy. 

Specifically, NAD plays an important role in the transfer of cellular energy, which allows you to maintain a healthy metabolism. 

If it feels like your metabolism is slowing down (especially as a result of age), or you notice that your performance at the gym is starting to suffer, you may benefit from NAD+ therapy. NAD+ therapy can also be used to address changes in mood, poor immune function, and premature signs of aging. 

During NAD I.V. therapy, an intravenous infusion of NAD+ is delivered directly to the bloodstream, allowing it to get to work quickly.

Because NAD+ immediately enters your bloodstream when given through I.V. treatments, it is able to start working right away. Upon entering the bloodstream, the infused NAD+ molecules begin attaching to proteins in the body. This encourages the enzymes that are responsible for creating energy and replenishing and repairing cells to start working. 

Then, NAD+ attaches to other compounds in the body, transforming into the active form of vitamin B3.

Why Do People Get NAD+ I.V. Therapy?

With NAD+ I.V. therapy on the rise, you may be wondering what the benefits of this therapy are. 

There are many different benefits of NAD+ I.V. infusions, including supporting cognitive function and metabolism, boosting energy levels, promoting athletic performance during workouts, and encouraging healthy replenishment and renewal of the body’s cells. 

Supports Athletic Performance, Healthy Energy Levels, and Metabolism

If you have been experiencing more fatigue or lower energy levels than usual, NAD+ therapy may be able to help. NAD+ I.V. infusions are known to address issues with fatigue and promote healthy energy levels because of the link between NAD+ deficiency and low energy. 

The body needs sufficient quantities of NAD+ in order to produce a sufficient amount of ATP, which is the substance that your cells use for energy. Because NAD+ plays a critical role in cellular energy, I.V. treatments of NAD+ can help address low energy levels. 

While everyone wants to have enough energy to get through the day, NAD+ treatments may have even more benefits for athletes, who must maintain high energy levels throughout training and competitions to perform at their best. If you are hoping to enhance your athletic performance at the gym or on the field, NAD+ therapy can help, regardless of whether you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior.

Individuals who are hoping to lose weight may also get a boost from NAD+ I.V. therapy. Your metabolism needs a sufficient amount of NAD in order to operate at optimal levels, which means a deficiency can slow your weight loss. NAD+ infusions may help support weight loss efforts when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

Overall, NAD+ therapy is an effective treatment option for those experiencing reduced energy levels, those who want to kickstart their weight loss, or those looking to improve their athletic performance. 

Supports Cognitive Function

Everyone wants to perform their best at work or at school, but losses in productivity happen, especially as we age. If you find yourself struggling to concentrate, have a hard time remembering facts or events, or have noticed a decrease in your ability to focus, you may be experiencing a NAD deficiency. 

Just as the cells in your body need sufficient amounts of NAD in order to maintain normal energy levels, the cells in your brain also need a steady supply of the coenzyme in order to make the energy they need to focus on cognitive tasks. 

If you’re struggling with healthy cognitive function, NAD+ I.V. treatment may be able to help. The I.V. infusion delivers NAD directly into your bloodstream, allowing it to quickly make its way to the brain cells and address any deficiencies. You may notice improved concentration, clearer memory, and increased productivity as a result.

How Do NAD Levels Change as You Age?

Like many things in life, your body’s natural levels of NAD have a tendency to decline with age. In fact, studies show that NAD levels in middle-aged people and animals are typically reduced by about 50 percent. 

This reduction in NAD stores can contribute to the appearance of signs of aging, reduced cognitive function, poor energy levels, and a sluggish metabolism. 

The reduction in NAD levels can cause a number of unpleasant signs and symptoms to appear. Because the body uses NAD to help repair DNA, the entire process of cellular restoration and repair slows down. This can contribute to low energy levels, a sluggish metabolism, poor cognitive function, and extended healing time when you’re injured. 

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to restore your body’s levels of NAD to the levels you had in your 20s, but it is possible and even vital to ensure that your body addresses deficiencies and maintains appropriate levels of NAD as you age. NAD+ I.V. treatments help to supply these health benefits and help ensure that your body has enough of the coenzyme to function properly as you age. 

What Does NAD+ Therapy Feel Like?

If you’ve never had I.V. therapy and aren’t sure what NAD+ treatment feels like, you may be concerned about pain or discomfort during the infusion. For the most part, NAD+ therapy feels similar to other I.V. infusions. However, the entry of NAD+ into the bloodstream means that your cells may get a quick boost of the coenzyme. 

As your body starts to absorb the NAD+, you may notice some or all of the following symptoms: 

  • Chest pressure

  • Light-headedness

  • Intestinal cramps

  • Nausea

  • Increased muscle excitability

While these symptoms can be uncomfortable, the good news is that they tend to resolve quickly, allowing you to notice the many benefits of NAD+ therapy before you know it. 

Where Can You Get NAD+ Therapy in New York City?

If you’re worried about finding the time to make a trip to the doctor’s office to get NAD+ therapy, you’ll be glad to know that getting NAD+ therapy for enhanced performance in New York City has never been easier. 

The I.V. Doc offers convenient NAD+ therapy treatments from the comfort of your own home, hotel, office, or school. The I.V. Doc uses licensed medical professionals and nurse practitioners to prepare an individualized NAD+ treatment based on your unique needs and administer the treatment wherever is most convenient for you. 

While NAD+ therapy is convenient, it’s not necessarily quick. Depending on the dose of NAD+ you receive, treatment can take anywhere from one to four hours, so make sure to plan accordingly. It’s easy to make your appointment online with the I.V. Doc, with same-day or next-day treatments often available.

What Is Antioxidant Therapy and Where Can You Get It in New York City?

Another wellness treatment that can have powerful benefits for overall health and wellness is antioxidant therapy. Antioxidant I.V. vitamin therapy delivers powerful antioxidants like vitamin C and glutathione, which are known to fight damage to the cells caused by free radicals. 

Free radicals are produced naturally as a byproduct of cellular respiration. Your body relies on antioxidants to fight the damage caused by free radicals, but your natural levels of antioxidants decline with age. As a result, people tend to experience premature signs of aging, increased irritation, and increased risk of developing some chronic symptoms with age.

Antioxidant I.V. vitamin therapy can help support a healthy immune system and overall wellness. With the I.V. Doc’s antioxidant therapy, you’ll receive fluids, electrolytes, a mega dose of vitamin C, a mega dose of glutathione, and a multivitamin cocktail to help you feel your best from the comfort of your own home, school, office, or hotel, no matter where you are in New York City.

The Bottom Line

When you’re in Manhattan, the last thing you want is to experience a hangover or food poisoning. If you do happen to find yourself feeling terrible, don’t rely on sports drinks and ibuprofen to bring you back to life. Instead, contact the I.V. Doc for quick, convenient I.V. treatments that will have you feeling better in no time. 

The I.V. Doc also offers treatments designed to promote overall health and wellness, such as NAD+ therapy. NAD+ therapy can address low energy levels, diminished cognitive function, sluggish metabolism, and poor athletic performance by delivering more of the coenzymes your body needs to perform at its best and recover quickly. NAD+ I.V. infusions are administered by the I.V. Doc at the location most convenient to you.

Don’t forget to consider I.V. therapy from the I.V. Doc to support overall wellness and a healthy immune system. Antioxidant therapy can help to rehydrate your body, encourage an energy boost, and provide essential nutrients in just one simple treatment. 

Licensed medical professionals are standing by to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.


Food poisoning - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Hangovers | National Institutes of Health

Hangovers - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Why NAD+ Declines during Aging: It’s Destroyed | National Library of Medicine

Clinical Evidence for Targeting NAD Therapeutically | National Library of Medicine

A need for NAD+ in muscle development, homeostasis, and aging | PMC

What Our Customers Say

“Got revived… and now I feel like I could run a marathon”

- Wes, Manhattan

“Thanks... I'm feeling great!! You guys saved my vacation and my life. I can't thank you enough.”

- Stacy, Colorado

“I feel like a new man Thank you I.V. Doc”

J.S. - Manhattan

“You saved my Vegas trip! When in Vegas always plan for The I.V. Doc!”

Sam, Las Vegas

“You guys saved me today! I had food poisoning, and was up all night. I ordered Revive and now I am about to close my second deal today! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

- Robert, Manhattan

“I feel like a rockstar!”

Friends from Chicago

“It was amazing. Nurse was great. Within the hour I felt like a bull.”

- Sean, Manhattan

“Recovery is just as important as training, The I.V. Doctor cut my recovery time in half.”

- Mike, Los Angeles

“For those asking if The I.V. Docs services are worth it, the answer is a big fat YES! Thanks for bringing me back to life!”

- Kristina, PA

“Helped me out tremendously... Saved my visit!””

- Samantha, San Francisco

“Love you guys! Woke up with a stomach bug and have a party for 50 people tonight -- thank you for everything! I am ready to go! Your team is so professional and so helpful.”

- Monica, Southampton

“I feel like a new woman. Your staff was excellent thank you so much!”

- Tracy, San Francisco

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