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Hangover Treatments

Dehydration Relief

Is a lack of hydration making you feel fatigued and lightheaded? Our Dehydration Relief IV therapy will rehydrate and rejuvenate you with fluid and electrolytes to quickly improve how you feel.


Hangover Relief - Basic

Feeling run-down from a late night out? Our Hangover Relief - Basic IV therapy is a specially designed IV drip with choice of 1 medication to quickly treat any of the following conditions: pain/headache, nausea, or heartburn (reflux).


Hangover Relief - Advanced

*most popular service*

Can’t get out of bed? Experiencing the worst hangover? Our Hangover Relief - Advanced IV therapy is an IV drip specially designed with 3 medications to quickly relieve the symptoms of a hangover, including pain/headache, nausea, and heartburn (reflux).


Hangover Relief - Supreme

Did you go completely overboard and medications alone aren't enough? Our Hangover Relief - Supreme IV therapy is the ultimate hangover IV drip and vitamin infusion, packed with 3 medications, Vitamin B12, and Glutathione for extra detox power.


Vitamin B12 Shot

IM Injection

Are you feeling sluggish, forgetful, or run down? Our Vitamin B12 shot may be just what you need to get back to feeling your best.


Vitamin B12 Boost

Searching for a natural and powerful way to enhance your energy levels, improve mental clarity, and promote overall well-being? Our Vitamin B12 Boost IV therapy provides a vital nutrient to rejuvenate your body and optimize your health.


* Results may vary.

What Our Customers Say

“I feel like a rockstar!”

Friends from Chicago

“I feel like a new woman. Your staff was excellent thank you so much!”

- Tracy, San Francisco

“For those asking if The I.V. Docs services are worth it, the answer is a big fat YES! Thanks for bringing me back to life!”

- Kristina, PA

“At my office at 9, trading by 9:30…Saviors!”

- John, Brooklyn

“You can’t afford to be sick in NYC… Thank you!!!”

- George, Dallas

“Helped me out tremendously... Saved my visit!””

- Samantha, San Francisco

“It was amazing. Nurse was great. Within the hour I felt like a bull.”

- Sean, Manhattan

“Love you guys! Woke up with a stomach bug and have a party for 50 people tonight -- thank you for everything! I am ready to go! Your team is so professional and so helpful.”

- Monica, Southampton

“B12!! Weight loss, energy, focus! See you next week.”

- Rachel, NYC

“THANK YOU!!!!! I was able to go home for Father's Day without feeling ill AND I was able to stuff my face with filet mignon which would not have been possible without you guys!! Thanks again!”

- Kat, NYC

“The Flu Relief was literally life saving! Thanks IV DOC”

Heather, New York

“You saved my Vegas trip! When in Vegas always plan for The I.V. Doc!”

Sam, Las Vegas

Results may vary.

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