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Flu Relief: Why IV Fluid is the New Chicken Soup

By THE IV DOC, February 24, 2019

Flu Relief: Why IV Fluid is the New Chicken Soup

Don't Treat The Flu Like A Cold

Influenza is a potentially dangerous condition that can not just lay you low for a few days, but can also lead to some serious complications and in worst cases even death. Many people think of the flu as a more severe version of a cold, but there are some significant differences in symptoms and possible consequences. While flu can sometimes include the common symptoms of a cold, like runny nose, sneezing and sore throat, it has symptoms that are more common and severe than a regular cold. These symptoms include breathing difficulties, nausea, dizziness, confusion and chest and abdominal discomfort, high fever, aching muscles, extreme fatigue, chills and severe headaches. In addition, the Flu can also lead to other conditions like pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus and ear infections. Flu is not to be taken lightly and if you feel like you might have it you should get medical help as soon as possible. Now, there's the opportunity to get that flu treatment delivered quickly and efficiently in the comfort of your own home

No, we're not talking about chicken soup - as good as that can be in helping deal with a number of common physical ailments. Chicken soup works, to a degree, because it has some critical ingredients, like vegetables. But mostly it works because it's a soup and it turns out that fluids are essential for wellbeing and even recovery from almost all physical ailments. Dehydration is a major issue in many common illnesses and contributes to the increase in symptoms and the risk of developing more serious conditions. For example, infants who get the flu often don't produce tears when they cry and have far fewer wet diapers, a sign of dehydration. But before you rush out and buy those ingredients for the chicken soup, you need to know some things about our IV fluid relief that can help you feeling better in no time at all.

Go Beyond Soup With IV Fluids & Vitamins

Our IV fluid relief for flu contains several ingredients. It has a potent mix of multi-vitamins, including Vitamin C that will restore energy and help your body fight the infection. It also includes a powerful ingredient Zorfran (also known as Ordansetron) that is an anti-nausea agent, and Tordal (also known as Ketorolac) an anti-inflammatory that works its magic by reducing the hormones which create inflammation and pain in the body. Glutathione, another very powerful anti-oxidant that can boost healing and recovery, can be added as well. In fact, IV Glutathione is a common ingredient in many of our therapies.

It is not just the ingredients in our IV flu relief that make it powerful. Delivering this potent cocktail of medications intravenously means that they are absorbed into the body very quickly, at least as twice as quickly if you were to take them orally. Speed is the essence in most treatments and getting what you need into your body as fast as possible is essential not just for recovery, but for a rapid recovery. This is the beauty and power of IV treatments. Whether we are giving IV fluid flu relief, IV relief for hangovers, IV relief for food poisoning, IV relief for jetlag or IV relief for fatigue, the speed of delivery allows your body to rehydrate and heal quickly.

We Bring IV Fluid Relief To You

We deliver our IV flu relief in your home, which also has several advantages. If you have the flu, the less contact you have with the outside world the better because it is easy to spread the disease. Of course, if you have the flu you won't feel like going out anyway, so convenient IV fluid treatment in your own home is a major advantage. It's how you can feel better without leaving home.

You can now get an IV home treatment for flu and other conditions, like hangovers, fatigue and dehydration, in several locations around the country. You can get our IV treatments in New York and you can get IV treatments in California, as well as in New Jersey, Chicago, New Orleans, and Las Vegas.

To get access to your in home IV flu relief now, simply go to our home page. There you can choose the location that serves you, set up your appointment, have a quick consultation with our physician and then sit back and relax and wait for our team to arrive at the appointed time to deliver the new, improved version of Chicken Soup --IV fluid relief.

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« Back to Blog | The I.V. Doc Information on Dehydration, Jet Lag, Hangovers, Food Poisoning and Vitamin Drips

What Our Customers Say

“You guys saved me today! I had food poisoning, and was up all night. I ordered Revive and now I am about to close my second deal today! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

- Robert, Manhattan

“The Flu Relief was literally life saving! Thanks IV DOC”

Heather, New York

“For those asking if The I.V. Docs services are worth it, the answer is a big fat YES! Thanks for bringing me back to life!”

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“Got revived… and now I feel like I could run a marathon”

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“THANK YOU!!!!! I was able to go home for Father's Day without feeling ill AND I was able to stuff my face with filet mignon which would not have been possible without you guys!! Thanks again!”

- Kat, NYC

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“It was amazing. Nurse was great. Within the hour I felt like a bull.”

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“I feel like a new man Thank you I.V. Doc”

J.S. - Manhattan

“Love you guys! Woke up with a stomach bug and have a party for 50 people tonight -- thank you for everything! I am ready to go! Your team is so professional and so helpful.”

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“Recovery is just as important as training, The I.V. Doctor cut my recovery time in half.”

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