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Get a Drip

February 06, 2014

Get a Drip

Now that the novelty of Obamacare has worn off doesn’t mean there aren’t big changes afoot in the health care market. Just yesterday CVS announced it would stop selling cigarettes as part of its move to becoming a local care provider (don’t worry, you can still buy all the beer and Twizzlers you’d like).

And then there’s the emergence of concierge-style services, like the I.V. Doctor, a Manhattan-based service that will come to your apartment or office and hook up a vitamin- and medication-packed I.V. drip, administered by an experienced, certified nurse.

While the drips are offered to help alleviate flu symptoms or low energy, more often than not, the company’s clients are just suffering from a massive hangover.

“The whole procedure is about thirty minutes long,” I.V. Doctor spokesman AJ Klein told us, “and we’ve had people who were just hurting in the morning tell us they feel ready to run a marathon after the drip.”

You can book an appointment with the I.V. Doctor – services run from $199 to $249 and are available throughout Manhattan.

And if you’re a medical professional looking for something new, the company is hiring big. Get in touch with them here.

Now go forth (and take care of your self).

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“You guys saved me today! I had food poisoning, and was up all night. I ordered Revive and now I am about to close my second deal today! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

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“THANK YOU!!!!! I was able to go home for Father's Day without feeling ill AND I was able to stuff my face with filet mignon which would not have been possible without you guys!! Thanks again!”

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“You can’t afford to be sick in NYC… Thank you!!!”

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“Got revived… and now I feel like I could run a marathon”

- Wes, Manhattan

“B12!! Weight loss, energy, focus! See you next week.”

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“I feel like a new man Thank you I.V. Doc”

J.S. - Manhattan

“The Flu Relief was literally life saving! Thanks IV DOC”

Heather, New York

“At my office at 9, trading by 9:30…Saviors!”

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“Recovery is just as important as training, The I.V. Doctor cut my recovery time in half.”

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