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The 15 Days of Celebmas

By Michael Prieve, November 30, 2016


We are featuring 15 unique products and services that we think would be perfect holiday gifts and we are giving ALL of them away to one lucky winner. Each day we will be highlighting one of the items in our guide, and then at the end of the 15 days (December 15, 2016) we will be choosing one lucky reader who will win all 15 gifts! Details on how to enter to win are at the bottom of the article.

The I.V. Doc ($100 gift card) - The I.V. Doc is an in-home luxury hydration service. Basically, if you’re sporting a killing hangover, or are jet-lagged, sick, or want to look amazing for a big event, they’ll come to your house and put an IV in your arm to provide fluids, electrolytes and vitamins that work FAST. Genius, right? Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton and Neil Patrick Harris are all fans of the service.

The I.V. Doc’s, I.V. (intravenous) hydration therapy will provide you with a quick recovery from a hangover, flu, jet lag, exercise fatigue, food poisoning, and general exhaustion in as little as 30 minutes. Using a team of health care professionals, The I.V. Doc™ will provide you with a discrete luxury service of I.V. hydration therapy in the comfort and ease of your own home, hotel, or private office.

Check out all the services offered from The I.V. Doc here!

« Back to Press | See How The IV Doc Can Help - Hangover, Flu, Fatigue Relief

What Our Customers Say

“B12!! Weight loss, energy, focus! See you next week.”

- Rachel, NYC

“For those asking if The I.V. Docs services are worth it, the answer is a big fat YES! Thanks for bringing me back to life!”

- Kristina, PA

“You saved my Vegas trip! When in Vegas always plan for The I.V. Doc!”

Sam, Las Vegas

“Helped me out tremendously... Saved my visit!””

- Samantha, San Francisco

“Recovery is just as important as training, The I.V. Doctor cut my recovery time in half.”

- Mike, Los Angeles

“I feel like a rockstar!”

Friends from Chicago

“The Flu Relief was literally life saving! Thanks IV DOC”

Heather, New York

“At my office at 9, trading by 9:30…Saviors!”

- John, Brooklyn

“You can’t afford to be sick in NYC… Thank you!!!”

- George, Dallas

“I feel like a new woman. Your staff was excellent thank you so much!”

- Tracy, San Francisco

“Thanks... I'm feeling great!! You guys saved my vacation and my life. I can't thank you enough.”

- Stacy, Colorado

“Love you guys! Woke up with a stomach bug and have a party for 50 people tonight -- thank you for everything! I am ready to go! Your team is so professional and so helpful.”

- Monica, Southampton

Results may vary.

Looking for the perfect gift? Send an IV Doc Gift Card
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